Sunday, November 2, 2008

Necron Lord


Here's a photo of my latest addition. A complete squad of warriors and a Necron Lord. I'm very very happy how the cloack on the Lord turned out to look like, but unfortunately I can't provide more pictures to you currently since my camera ran out of batteries and I only managed to take 1 picture. I decided not to put the green rod in Lord's staff of light. It looks more violent now.

Speed-painting is fun.

Next addition will be a monolith, finally. It's under assembly now, and I expect it be completed by Friday as I will be going for a really simplistic approach. I also planned my preliminary 1750 pts army list;

1 Lord

1 Lord

10 Warriors
10 Warriors

5 Destroyers
5 Destroyers
6 Scarabs
- Field

1 Heavy Destroyers
2 Heavy Destroyers
1 Monolith

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