Sunday, November 30, 2008

"In between" jobs

I stop making excuses about monolith right now and post few of my latest works;

- Chosen (speed painting)
- Grey (?) Knight Dreadnought (non-speed painting ;)

Few hour speed painting. Actually I was planning to go for a white cloak with green shades, but ended up painting a wood elf. Not happy with this one, but it only took me a couple of hours.

Yes you could say that the eagles are a little bit off, and the number 3 is not in center, but I really like how this GK dreadnought turned out to look. Actually, I got so inspired of the rusty/brown/metal scheme, that I'm gonna paint all my Grey Knights in this color, regardless it being against the fluff.

I used graphite stick on the armor to make the metal feeling, after undercoating the model with Scorched brown and Bestial brown/matt varnish mix.

Sunday, November 23, 2008

More excuses

Yes. Here they come;

My girlfriend is visiting me, so I don't have that much time to paint now. This week, however, it will be back in business again, but I feel quite sad that she is leaving. Enough of that though, since this blog is about Necrons, who are robots.

I am a robot.

There is a metaphor for all of you to think while you wait a picture of painted monolith.

Thursday, November 6, 2008

No lololith yet

Sorry. I will finish it soon. Shouldn't promise anything while I can't deliver. Mono is assembled, undercoated and some small details painted.. now I won't say how much time I need, because maybe then I can really finish it.

Back to work..

Sunday, November 2, 2008

Necron Lord


Here's a photo of my latest addition. A complete squad of warriors and a Necron Lord. I'm very very happy how the cloack on the Lord turned out to look like, but unfortunately I can't provide more pictures to you currently since my camera ran out of batteries and I only managed to take 1 picture. I decided not to put the green rod in Lord's staff of light. It looks more violent now.

Speed-painting is fun.

Next addition will be a monolith, finally. It's under assembly now, and I expect it be completed by Friday as I will be going for a really simplistic approach. I also planned my preliminary 1750 pts army list;

1 Lord

1 Lord

10 Warriors
10 Warriors

5 Destroyers
5 Destroyers
6 Scarabs
- Field

1 Heavy Destroyers
2 Heavy Destroyers
1 Monolith